Photo by João Curiti

February 10th 2018
Karuna Retreat Center Porto
Antero de Quental, 155
February 24th 2018
Rua D.Afonso Henriques
S.João da Madeira
February 2nd 2018
17.30 - 19h
Dharum & Helder Pizzicato
at Tv Program "Ola Maria"

January 27th 2018
Dharum & Helder Pizzicato
Satsang Circles at
GOMPA Tibetan Yoga School
Satsang Circle
November 17th
Dharum & Helder Pizzicato
Satsang Circles at
Magólia Meditation Room
(Only by Invitation)
Satsang Circle
November 11th
Dharum & Helder Pizzicato
Gompa Meditation and Tibetan Yoga School (Porto)
Satsang Circle
Swarupa - Intimate Concert
September 16th @
Casa da Horta (Porto)
Swarupa - Intimate Concert
August 26th
Meditative Concert @ Antero de Quental (Porto)
Intimate Concert

June 3rd @
Casa da Horta (Porto)
Intimate Concert
Casa da Horta is a Cultural Association in Porto Riviera. They have been working with volunteering projects from all over the world and their contribute to the creation of a new world is being very important . For that reason it will be a pleasure to present "Sonata para a Alma Opus 7" in a very cosy and intimate environment when you can taste a good vegetarian meal and listen to this meditative concert
May 27th @
Museu do Vinho do Porto
Fusion Gatherings ::: Jaakko B-Day Special

GNOA is my Alter-Ego where I can find myself a different way of my musical personality exploring exotic sonorities with India and Mesopotamia influences with some beats and luxury environments. GNOA can be called as a World Meditative Chill project, very Ethnic, very introspective and danceable at the same time.
This will be Tiago Jakko's B-Day party from Fusion Productions with a strong line up. Be there !!!
May 12th @ Human Fest