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Single of My new Record

Hi everyone (I hope that someone is reading), I've just started to record my new songs for this Album I am working on it. As I told before, and after more than 20 years working as a professional musician, I decided to abandon the music market.

For me music is my biggest passion and I've never felt 100% happy composing music that will be shared on Mp3 so everyone can use it without any kind of Support for the artists. I believe in a free world when sharing is the main focus but as a producer I watched the shift from the Cd's Market to this digital market when you Invest so much money in Musical Instruments, With Studio Equipment, Millions of hours practicing, etc, and at the end you don't see so much results.

Our work is used for Dj's to "PLAY?" without any kind of contribution for the artists.

When Cd was standard it was the only way to show your work, we need the Major Labels to make a Records. Was very expensive go to studio to record so many hours. Because of that they got all the money from our Music because we are their investment. It's all about business and money and image.

Other thing about making a records for sale at the stores is that you need to be associated with SPA (Portuguese Author Society) Paying 150€ so they can collect your Royalties for you, something that you never know the exact numbers! Bulshit !!! The money goes everywhere except the Artist. The problem is if an Author wants to make a record he needs to Copyright it. I DON'T REALLY WANT THAT this time. I prefer do not make money with my music instead of giving money to a system that I don't believe.

That's why I decided to make a "PIRATE DISC".

I will use more live videos of me (and friends) playing and to the ones that really want to buy my record in a CD format it will be available at all my shows or I can send It personally signed and direct to you

I will also share my tracks for FREE DOWNLOAD here on my website and for those that want to help me to move on, there will be Donations that people can make to help me. You Donate as much as you feel. I'm ok with all kind of donations, if you like my music and if it makes you feel good, that's my point.

Maybe now you understand this Joke as my new Single, because I really want to do it MY WAY!

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